Rent designer labels for special occasions like weddings, parties, work events or festivals.
With one-time rental, you can rent our curated collections of exclusive designer labels for special occasions like weddings, parties, festivals or holiday gatherings.
Browse Dressr’s curated collections and pick the perfect pieces for your special occasion.
Once you’ve made your selection we’ll ship your pieces quick-smart to your door, professionally cleaned and ready to wear.
Once your order arrives, you have 10 days to flaunt your fashion before you need to send things back.
Should you need to wash your pieces during your rental period, we ask you to please follow the care instructions on the label or in the garment listing on our website.
Once you’ve strutted your stuff, it’s time to return your pieces to Dressr OR purchase any items you’ve fallen in love with.
If you choose to purchase a piece, any rental fee you have already paid will be automatically deducted at checkout.
I get a lot of compliments about the jewelry. My sister-in-law has asked me about a piece that I was wearing for Christmas. It’s a good conversation starter. And my answer is always that I rent them from Dressr.
Pick pieces from our curated collections today.