Metallic Backpack

Original retail: 355,00

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Metallic Backpack by Conscious Antwerp Metallic Backpack by Conscious Antwerp is exclusive statement piece. These bags are handmade by Jef, a former alcoholic from Antwerp, who now works as a volunteer for AA(Alcoholics Anonimous). The organisation helped him to become sober 22 years ago and now he tries to help the organisation and other AA clients as much a he can. To raise money for AA, Jef started to create these beautiful bags from can clips. He asked people in his environment to save and collect as many can clips for him as possible and over the years he has collected enough clips to create a collection of beautiful bags. By purchasing and reselling these handmade bags from Jef, CONSCIOUS ANTWERP tries to support the good work from Jef for AA. Made in Belgium by Jef.

Size information: M

The handbag is made from:



Care instructions:

Dry off any water as soon as possible to prevent corrosion.

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